Publicat pe 22/03/2024

Bucharest, March 21, 2024: The President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, Mr. Mihai Daraban, had, on March 21 this year, a meeting with E.S. Mister. Tigran Galstyan, the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia in Romania, on the occasion of which a series of aspects regarding the dynamism of economic relations between the two countries were analyzed.

“I particularly appreciate the initiative of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Romania and the proposals of the new ambassador aimed at dynamizing and intensifying the cooperation between the two states, both on a commercial and investment level. It is to be welcomed that E.S. Mister. Tigran Galstyan chose the National Chamber as the starting point in the implementation of His Majesty’s mission to develop the economic component, categorically, the two states needing an impulse through which companies can access the markets of Romania and Armenia, respectively. At the same time, due to the intention of the Republic of Armenia to expand cooperation with other European states, capitalizing on its position as a mediator of the political dialogue between the European Union and some states in the region, we are convinced that we will be able to attract a number of elements of common potential, including by involving other states in the region with which we share common interests, such as Georgia”, said the president of the CCIR, Mr. Mihai Daraban.

“Armenia needs to develop as strong economic relations as possible with the European Union states, and in this sense we are involved in the construction of a new transport corridor that will connect the Black Sea, through the port of Poti, to the Far East. We also intend to work with the Romanian authorities to reopen the direct Bucharest-Erevan flight. Regarding strictly the economic relationship with Romania, I take advantage of this meeting to propose the organization, in Bucharest, of a trilateral business forum, Romania-Armenia-Georgia, focused especially on the energy sector, maritime transport and agriculture”, he declared S.E. Mister. Tigran Galstyan, the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia in Romania.