Romanian Exporters & Importers Catalogue
Romanian Exporters & Importers Catalogue, 2024 – X edition, is issued annually and contains commercial information about the most important Romanian Exporters and Importers grouped by Customs Combined Nomenclature (electronic version).
Romanian Exporters & Importers Catalogue, 10th edition, Romanian is now available.
Price: 120 EUR (VAT excluded)
Allows selection by several query criteria (company name, category – export / import, Sections of Combined Customs Nomenclature, county).
The catalog contains information on main companies’ profile, namely: company name, VAT, registration number in the Commercial Register, address, telephone, fax, e-mail, website, category – export / import and CN sections related to export / import activity.
How to purchase?
2. By phone order at 021 319 01 63;
Order the romanian version online
Order the english version online