ATA Carnets
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania is authorized, by law, to issue carnets for the temporary admission of duty free goods (ATA).
The ATA Carnet is an international customs document that allows the duty-free and tax-free for temporary transit and import of goods.
Categories of goods that can be covered by the ATA carnet:
• goods for presentation or use at trade fairs, shows, exhibitions or similar events;
• professional equipment;
• containers, palettes, packaging, samples and other goods imported under a commercial operation;
• goods imported under a manufacturing operation;
• goods imported for educational, scientific or cultural purpose;
• personal effects of passengers and goods imported for sports purposes;
• tourist publicity material;
• goods imported under the local border traffic (goods carried by residents of border areas in order to exercise their profession or trade – artisans, doctors etc; personal effects and household goods of the residents of border areas, which they import for being repaired or processed; material due for the exploitation of immovable property situated in the border area of the territory of temporary admission; material that belongs to an official entity, imported in a first aid action (fire, floods etc.);
• goods imported for humanitarian purposes;
• means of transport;
• animals.
ATA carnet is valid for 12 months from the issuing date and can be extended, upon request, for another 12 months but not more than once.
In order to obtain an ATA carnet, the solicitor must submit a request containing the identification data (legal entity name, headquarters, fiscal identification number, trade registration number, number and bank account, address, phone/fax/e-mail, name and position of the legal representative, contact person) and the following elements:
• purpose of travel;
• the expected duration of the event and temporary export;
• country of destination and the transit countries, indicating the places in which the customs control (within or border) is requested;
• mean of transport used, indicating the registration number;
• responsible of the carnet;
• a list in Romanian and English with products listed on the carnet containing the name, quantity, weight eventually, their value.
Countries that joined the ATA Convention:
Albania, Hungary, Norway, Algeria, Iceland, Pakistan, Andorra, India, Poland, Australia, Iran, Portugal, Austria, Ireland, Romania, Israel, Russia, Belarus, Italy, Senegal, Belgium/Luxembourg, Japan, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Korea, Singapore, Bulgaria, Latvia, Slovakia, Canada, Lebanon, Slovenia, Chile, Lithuania, South Africa, China, Macao, Spain, Cote d’Ivoire, Macedonia, Sri Lanka, Croatia, Madagascar, Sweden, Cyprus, Malaysia, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Malta, Thailand, Denmark, Mauritius, Tunisia, Estonia, Mexico, Turkey, Finland, Moldova, Ukraine, France, Mongolia, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Montenegro, United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Morocco, United States, Greece, Netherlands, Chinese, Taipei, Hong Kong, China, New Zealand.
Time of release:
• Normal – 3 working days;
• Emergency – 24 hours/ 48 hours.
Prices (excluding VAT):
• 158,00 Euro / carnet;
• 7.00 Euro / page + 2.5 Lei / tab lists;
• Emergency tax: 55 Euro for delivery in 24h ATA carnet or ATA carnet 33 Euro for delivery in 48h;
• CCIR guarantee paid according to the value of products and the country of destination.
Legislation incident:
• Law no. 335/2007 regarding the chambers of commerce in Romania, with subsequent modifications;
• Convention on Temporary Admission agreed at Istanbul on 26 June 1990;
• Law no. 395/ 2002 for the accession of Romania to the Convention on Temporary Admission agreed at Istanbul on 26 June 1990, with subsequent modifications.
Expert advice: 30 EUR / 30 minutes (excluding VAT).