Directorate for External Relations within the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) is dedicated to the international promotion of the Romanian business environment through the following types of services:

Multisectoral economic missions abroad

  • Business delegations
  • Destinations that shows high economic interest
  • Providing B2B meetings at the level of local and central authorities

International bilateral business forums organized in Romania

  • Facilitating direct contacts between Romanian companies and foreign entrepreneurs
  • Identification of business opportunities

“Doing business in” type of seminars

  • Providing concrete information in order to better know the selected market
  • Direct dialogue with experts and Q&A sessions

Customized B2B meetings

  • Organization of customized business meetings according to the specific request from the companies

Checking the creditworthiness of foreign companies

  • Checking the creditworthiness and the activity of the foreign companies with the help of the CCIR institutional partners such as the chambers of commerce.

Consultancy on European and international business issues

  • Conducting studies and analysis, drafting position papers and promoting the interests of Romanian companies within the international organizations where CCIR is a member, such as Eurochambres, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), BSEC Business Council and Association of Balkan Chambers